Scientific Name:      Bactrocera caudata (Fabricius)

Common Name:    "Bactrocera maculipennis Doleschall, Chaetodacus  caudatus Fabricius and   

                                   Zeugodacus caudatus (Fabricius)."


Taxonomic position

Class :  Insect

Order:  Diptera

Family:  Tephritidae

Genus :  Bactrocera

Species:    caudata                  

Host : Bitter Snake gourd, Snake gourd, tomato,  polyphagous

Distribution: Assam, bihar ,karnataka , kerala meghalaya, sikkim, telangana uttaranchal, west bengal

Body :  Predominantly black with lateral and medial yellow scutal stripes

Head :  A black transverse line across mouth opening extended laterally and almost forming a line across the mouth opening

Thorax: Scutum predominantly black; with lateral and medial yellow stripes. medial vitta narrow anteriorly and broadened posteriorly giving the apperance of a spatula; with anterior supra alar setae, prescutellar setae, 4 scutellar setae.

Legs :

Wings:  Costal band expanded into an apical spot

Abdomen:  T3-T5 tergits with medial dark stripe and a transverse dark line o T3; with separate dark areas on anterolateral margins of T3-T5. Male: posterior lobe of surstylus long .Female:  apex of aculeus trilobed.

Hover on the following image to view the magnified image - Select the image from Thumbnails to change the image

Dorsal view

Head top

Thorax above

Head front

Lateral view

Thorax side

Head side 1

Posterior view


Head side

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