Scientific Name:  Dacus ciliatus Lowe

Common Name:


Taxonomic position

Class :  Insect

Order:  Diptera

Family:  Tephritidae

Genus :  Bactrocera

Species:  ciliatus

Host : Bitter Snake gourd, Snake gourd, tomato,  polyphagous

Distribution: Majority all indian parts

Body : Adult predominantly orange species

Head: Face with 2 facial spots

Thorax: Two scutellar setae, a yellow spot covering most of the katatergite, anatergite orange, mid femur yellow or orange-yellow Scutum without yellow stripes, anterior supra-alar setae and prescutellaracrostichal setae. No lateral or medial vittae.

Legs :  Legs predominantly yellow, slightly darkened to orange at apex of each femur

Wings:   Wing with a costal band that is expanded apically to form a spot

Abdomen:  All tergites fused into a single plate, at most with smooth transverse lines marking the boundaries of each segment. Male: with pecten on each side of tergum III.

Hover on the following image to view the magnified image - Select the image from Thumbnails to change the image

Abdomen Dorsal View

Head Dorsal View

Posterior View

Dorsal View

Head Lateral View

Thorax Dorsal View

Head Anterior View

Lateral view

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