Scientific Name: Bactrocera zonata (Saunders)

Common Name: Peach fruit fly


Taxonomic position

Class :  Insect

Order:  Diptera

Family:  Tephritidae

Genus :  Bactrocera

Species:    zonata                  

Host : Guava, mango and peach, apricot, fig, citrus. Polyphagous

Distribution:  Africa  South and South-East Asia Australasian - Oceanian USA and Canada

Body :  Adult pale orange brown to red species.

Head:   Head with two pairs of frontal bristles two pairs, one pair of orbital bristles one pair. 

Thorax:  Scutum red-brown with two lateral yellow vittae of medium size extending beyond ia. Setae. Anterior supra alar setae, prescutellar setae, two scutellar setae present .   Scutullem yellow with narrow dark red-brown basal band.

Legs: Fulvolus with apices of femora red-brown

Wings :  Wings with costal band with only cell sc and apex of vein R4+5 coloured; cell r1 and r2+3 with distinctly darker spots within dark areas of pattern. 

Abdomen: Abdominal tergites with medial dark stripe, usually on T3-T5, or with medial dark stripe on T5 only.

Hover on the following image to view the magnified image - Select the image from Thumbnails to change the image

abdomen view

head front

thorax side

dorsal view

lateral view

thorax view

head above

posterior view


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