Scientific Name: Bactrocera tryoni(Froggatt)

Common Name:  Queensland Fruit Fly


Taxonomic position

Class :  Insect

Order:  Diptera

Family:  Tephritidae

Genus :  Bactrocera

Species:    tryoni                   

Host:  Grapefruit, sweet orange, Mandarin orange, sour orange, lemon, papaya, guava, mango, polyphagous

Distribution: Australasian - Oceanian

Body :  Medium sized fruit fly species

Head:  Medium sized black facial spots present.

Thorax: Medium sized black facial spots present . Humeral and notopleural calli yellow. Mesonotum red-brown with fuscous markings, mesopleural stripe reaching midway between anterior margin of notopleural callus and anterior notopleural. Bristle, lateral postsutural vittae present, medial postsutural vitta absent. Scutellum yellow.

 Legs :

Wings:  Wing with a narrow fuscous costal band and broad fuscous anal streak  .Costal cells fuscous, microtrichia covering second costal cell and outer V2 of first costal cell.

Abdomen:  Abdominal terga III-V generally red-brown with a medial and 2 broad lateral longitudinal fuscous bands over all 3 terga and joined along anterior margin of tergum III  Paler forms of the abdomen are often present.

Hover on the following image to view the magnified image - Select the image from Thumbnails to change the image

dorsal view

heads side

thorax side 1

Head Front

lateral view

thorax side

head top

posterior view


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