Scientific Name: Callosobruchus analis (Fabricius)

Common Name: Pulse weevil



Bruchus analis Fabricius

Taxonomic Position

Class: Insecta

Order: Coleoptera

Family: Bruchidae

Genus: Callosobruchus

Species: Callosobruchus analis


Origin and Distribution

Algeria, Brazil, Burma, China, Egypt, India, Mauritius, Saudi Arabia

Host Range

Arbus precatorius, Acacia arabica, Cajanus cajan, C. indicus, Canavalia ensiformis, Cicer arietinum Crotolaria sp., Dolichos biflorus, D. cyprus, D. lablab, D. lablab var. lignosus, D. lablab var. typicus, Glycine hispida, Glycine max, Lathyrus sativus, Lens esculenta, Phaseolus aureus, P. aconitifolius, P. articulatus, P. calcaratus, P. lunatus, P. mungo, P. radiatus, P. vulgaris, Physostigma venenosum, Pisum sativum, Vicia faba, Vigna sinensis, V. catjang, V. sesquipedalis, V. sinensis, V. unguiculata, Voandzeia subterranean.


Pest Destructive Stage

Primary pest

Eggs –laid or stuck individually onto seed or pod

Larvae – immobile, concealed within seed

Adults – do not feed on commodity, fly readily

Damage symptoms

Damage is distinctive. As adult emerge from seeds they leave behind neat circular holes in the seed, behind which is a large cavity left by the larvae.


Identification features

Morphological Features: Males and females more or less similar; Antennae similar in the both sexes; Lateral black spots on each elytron separated by a band of white setae; pygidial median band of white setae present in both sexes.

Species Key: Body usually oval, ground colour of body pale yellow; Lateral black spots on the elytra indistinctly separated from the dull white Setae around them; pygidial Setae unicolorous, pale white in both sexes; Males and females more or less similar; Lateral black spots on elytra surrounded by white Setae in both sexes; saccus provided with a pair of Lateral toothed plates.




Dorsal View

Lateral View



Detection methods

Samples can be examined with naked eye or under magnifying glass or stereoscopic binocular microscope and by using soft X-ray and seed transparency method hidden infestation can be detected. 

Hover on the following image to view the magnified image - Select the image from Thumbnails to change the image




Elytral Pattern

Lateral View


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