Scientific Name: Bactrocera neohumeralis (Hardy)

Common Name:  Lesser Queensland Fruit fly


Taxonomic position

Class :  Insect

Order:  Diptera

Family:  Tephritidae

Genus :  Bactrocera

Species:   neohumeralis

Host :  Pome, citrus, polyphagous

Distribution: Australasian - Oceanian

Body :  Medium sized species

Head:  Medium sized black facial spots present.

Thorax: 1. Humeral calli dark brown to fuscous; notopleural calli yellow Mesonotum dark red- brown with dark fuscous to black markingsMesopleural stripe reaching midway between anterior margin of notopleural callus and anterior npl. bristle, lateral postsutural vittae present, medial postsutural vitta absent .Scutellum yellow.


Wings:   Wing with a narrow fuscous costal band and broad fuscous anal streak, costal cells fuscous .Microtrichia covering second costal cell and outer 1/2 of first costal cell.

Abdomen: Abdominal terga III-V generally dark fuscous to dull black and tending red-brown medially.

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