Scientific Name:  Bactrocera gavisa (Munro)

Common Name:


Taxonomic position

Class :  Insect

Order:  Diptera

Family:  Tephritidae

Genus :  Bactrocera

Species:   gavisa                   

Host : Not known

Distribution: Karnataka. Kerala , orissa, tamil nadu, telangana

Body :   Medium sized insect

Head .Face with large oval black oval black spots.

Thorax:  Scutum shining black with lateral postsuturalvittae widening posterior to iasetae to almost contact the scutellum.

Moderately broad medial postsuturalvitta, tapering anteriorly and posteriorly. Scutellum yellow except for a narrow black, basal band. Mesopleural stripe an inverted 'L' shape and extending to postpronotal lobe.

Legs : Segments fulvous except hind tibiae fuscous.

Wings: Wing with continuous costal band confluent with R2+3 and widening slightly across apex of R4+s.

Abdomen:  Tergum I orange-brown with broad lateral black markings, tergum II with narrow black marking across anterior margin and widening posteriorluy. Terga III -V with 'T' shaped mark.  A pair of oval shining spot on tergum V. Male with pectan in tergum III.

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Dorsal view

Lateral view


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