Scientific Name:  Bactrocera  latifrons

Common Name:  Solanum fruit fly


Taxonomic position

Class :  Insect

Order:  Diptera

Family:  Tephritidae

Genus : Bactrocera

Species:   latifrons                   

Host :  Tomato, aubergine, sweet pepper, cucumber, melons, polyphagous

Distribution: South and south-east Asia   Tanzania and Kenya

Body :   A medium sized species

Head: Head: Pedicel+1st flagellomere not longer than ptilinal suture.   Face with a dark spot in each antenna.

Thorax:. Predominant colour of scutum black. Postpronotal (=humeral) lobe entirely pale (yellow or orange). Notopleuron yellow. Scutum with lateral postsutural vittae (yellow/orange stripes); without a medial vitta. Scutellum entirely pale. Anepisternal stripe almost to postpronotal lobe. Yellow marking on both anatergite and katatergite. Postpronotal lobe (=humerus) without a seta. Notopleuron with anterior seta. Scutum with anterior supra-alar and prescutellar acrostichal setae. Scutellum without basal as well as apical setae.

Legs :  Femora vary from entirely pale, to pale with a pre-apical dark spot, to darkened (either red-brown or black) in entire apical 1/3=1/2.

Wings: Wing: Length 4.4-6.1 mm. With a complete costal band which does not extend below R2+3; expanded into a spot at apex.Wing with an anal streak.Cells bc and c colourless. No transverse markings. Cell bc and c without extensive covering of microtrichia. Cell br (narrowed part) with extensive covering of microtrichia.

Abdomen:Predominant colour of abdomen orange-brown to fuscous. Tergites not fused. Abdomen not wasp waisted. .               

Pattern on abdomen lacking or diffuse; if marked, then tergite 3 with a basal transverse dark band and sometimes with a medial stripe down T3-5.

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dorsal view

heads side

thorax side 1

Head Front

lateral view

thorax side

head top

posterior view


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