Scientific Name:  Bactrocera versicolor Bezzi

Common Name:


Taxonomic position

Class :  Insect

Order:  Diptera

Family:  Tephritidae

Genus :  Bactrocera

Species:   versicolor              

Host : Distribution: Bihar, karnataka. Kerala , tamil nadu, telangana

Body : Medium sized, red-brown species

Head Face: with medium sized black spots.

Thorax:  Scutum red-brown, with two medium sized, parallel, yellow lateral vittae, ending just behind ia setae. Scutellum yellow with narrow brown basal band and an apical spot.

Legs : All femora fulvous except for a sub-apical spot on outer surfaces of fore and mid-femora

Wings: Wings with a narrow costal band confluent with R2+3 and a very narrow anal streak within cell cup.

Abdomen:  Red-brown with thin 'T' shaped markon Terga III-V.  Dark red-brown shining spot on Tergum V. Males with pectan on Tergum III.

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