Scientific Name: Bactrocera  papayae Drew & Hancock

Common Name:  Asian Papaya Fruit Fly


Taxonomic position

Class :  Insect

Order:  Diptera

Family:  Tephritidae

Genus :  Bactrocera

Species:   papayae                  

Host :  Cashew, papaya, pomelo, mango and guava, polyphagous

Distribution: South and South-East Asia Australasian - Oceanian

Body :  Body predominantly black or dark fuscous, or a balanced mixture of black and yellow.

Head:  Head with frontofacial angle much greater than a right angle and rounded.

Thorax:. Thorax with scutum black with orange to red-brown areas, or black; Without a large dark central stripe which broadens basally. Postpronotal lobe entirely pale whitish or yellowish; concolorous with lateral postsutural stripe. Posterior half of notopleuron pale whitish or yellowish. Scutum dorsad of notopleuron of the ground color, not whitish or yellowish.                                                                                                         

Legs :  Legs with femora all entirely of one colour.

Wings:  Wings with cell bm broad, parallel-sided;Ratio of length to width 1.8–1.9; ratio of width to cell cup width 2.5.Abdominal tergites with medial dark stripe on T3-T5 and a transverse dark line on T3, with separate dark areas on anterolateral margins of T3-T5

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Dorsal view

lateral view


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